Kidd powraca z nowym albumem. Pierwszy singiel z "Rytuałów przejścia"

W tym roku mija już 7 lat od wydania "Rap i jego sobowtór" - ostatniej solowej płyty jednego z założycielu net-labelu - Kidda. Od tego czasu doczekialiśmy się między innymi reedycji legendarnej w wielu kręgach "Pansofii", nagranej wraz z Faczyńskim, a także kilku gościnnych zwrotek rapera i slamera z Warszawy. Od jakiegoś czasu, za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych Kidd informował jednak o rozpoczętych pracach nad jego kolejnym albumem solowym, w całości wyprodukowanym przez BROKN FLWRS'a. 

Dzisiaj otrzymaliśmy pierwszy singiel promujący "Rytuały Przejścia".

"Cokolwiek" to spokojny, klimatyczny utwór, gdzie gościnnie w refrenie gospodarza wspomógł wyżej wspominany Faczyński. Premiera całości nie jest jeszcze znana, ale jak zapewnia Kidd - "chcemy ją wypuścić jak najszybciej".




Kidd x BROKN FLWRS - "Cokolwiek" gość. Faczyński

Jeden z niewielu normalnych w polsce. Pl już nie słucham, ale zrobię wyjątek, Rap i jego sobowtór może nie wybitny ale jak na pl dobry album, szkoda że laikonik się sam zaorał tak że wstyd się do niego teraz przyznawać, z rap i jego sobowtór ulubiony track to właśnie ten z laikem na feacie. a
Eskadron is one of the very valued high-street manufacturers in the entire world that focuses on the creation of highquality equestrian clothing and equipment. This Italian concern has been set by Pikeur trying to fit the jockeys' demands, who were looking for professional but also stylish equestrian accessories. So, what makes Eskadron so special and why their selections are so popular among riders?Eskadron -- why would bikers from all around the world love this particular brand? Eskadron has been tremendously popular with horse riding fans for several or more years now. This new products are distinguished by their high quality attention to detail. Eskadron is also appreciated for their exceptional practicality, elegance, and innovativeness in their own projects, modern structure, and availability. The new offer includes both pro ones and items for recreational riders. So, you'll discover basic design clothes, expert equestrian, and various accessories necessary for your proper saddling of a horse. Eskadron offers saddle cloths, halters, rugs, bell boots for horses, vases, fly hats, bandages, however also hoodies, t-shirts, breeches, also show coats. All products include the European Union, which additionally verifies their own quality.Eskadron's collections Eskadron has many selections. Many are seasonal, others are constantly available in their offer. The very popular collections of this brand are: Vintage Sports - established twice a calendar year, this lineup consists only of horse riding equipment. Products from this collection are extremely easy, in standard soft colours but at exactly the exact same time quite tasteful. Platinum - starts once a year for those who like traditional solutions. You'll mostly find gray and black colors combined with delicate picture themes. Young Star - line for kiddies that begin their experience with horse riding. It's basic horse riding accessories in bright colors and exceptional designs. Equestrian Fanatics - clothing line designed for riders who like to stand out. Available jackets, hoodies, and backpacks successfully combine casual clothing with equestrianism. Vintage offer - Their constant offer of clothing, equipment, and accessories. It is possible to find products useful for training and regular rides but also elegant show clothing. Eskadron is a brand used by cyclists from all over the globe. For the benefit of safety and riding both yours and your horse, it might be well worth buying highquality articles, which may permit you to fully enjoy this sport that is exceptional.

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