Zamot wygrywa konkurs na remix "Wspólny Cel"

dodano: 2013-04-08 19:00 przez: Kollabo (komentarze: 41)

Zamot, jeden z AS-ów Aptaun Records, wygrywa konkurs zorganizowany przez portal na remix utworu "Wspólny Cel" w którym udzielili się tacy artyści jak KęKę, HuczuHucz, Haju, Jot, Te-Tris, Pacho, PeeRZet, Bisz oraz Dj HWR. W konkursie wzięło udział ponad 66 artystów, co dało słuchaczom prawie pięć godzin solidnej muzyki! Oryginał został wyprodukowany przez Stonę, producenta odpowiedzialnego między innymi za produkcję nowego albumu W.E.N.A. i to właśnie on był odpowiedzialny za wyłonienie zwycięzcy.

"Na wstępie trzeba zaznaczyć że poziom był WYSOKI! Więc wszyscy, którzy znaleźli się w elitarnej TOP TEN powinni czuć satysfakcję! Jednak zwycięzca może być tylko jeden więc… Panie i Panowie… pierwsze miejsce leci do… ZAMOTA za brzmienie, pokazanie różnorodności - bardzo dobry sampel oraz werbel w motywie pierwszym. Jednak szczególnie przypadł mi do gustu drugi motyw z bardzo ciekawą perkusją (dobry układ clapów i hihatów) oraz przejściem na stabach. Całość dobrze zaaranżowana, kawałek się nie nudzi a jak wiadomo z powodu obecności tylu MC’s, którzy położyli na nim swoje zwrotki jest kawałkiem długim i bardzo ważnym jest aby nie przynudzał. Zamotowi się to udało! Gratuluję!
Na wyróżnienie zasługują również:
ENZU - za brzmienie, za główny motyw oparty na g-funkowym syntezatorze jednak brak porządnego aranżu jest dużym minusem, który zadecydował, że bit ma tylko wyróżnienie (warto by było pobawić się z melodią syntezatora głównego - tego który wchodzi na początku i jest taki sam aż do samego końca utworu)
BABEKINSTRUMENTAL – za brzmienie, za zastosowany sampel oraz za jego mariaż z syntezatorem, który pojawia się tu i ówdzie."

Sprawdź profil Zamota na Kollabo Tutaj

Myślę, że w top10 były przynajmniej 2 lepsze remixy od tego wygranego, ale to nie ja wybierałem zwycięzcę. Szkoda.
Mistrzowski remix,skąd można go pobrać?

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EnZu. Zapamietaj te ksywke
Exei dikio o anonimos filos an siposilogineis oti edo einai kai mesanixta.Adiavroxoi = piotitaTheloume piotika pragmata opos p.x.Efi thodi = It is just to good to be true ;)Alexis apo Michigan
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I don’t think the issue is that they are trying to turn her into a boy. It seems more that they just don’t say no to her and they buy her whatever clothes she wants. I would never say that a parent should force their child to wear things that they hate, or that all girls should be girly girls. However, there are plenty of girls clothes that are tomboyish but still made for girls. Girls tee shirts and shorts are just as comfortable as ones made for boys and there are plenty of options that are plain and not overly girly. When I was younger (I’m in my early 20s now, so it wasn’t *that* long ago lol) my parents let me pick out my clothes for the most part, but they still weren’t afraid to tell me no if it wasn’t something they wanted me to wear. I have babysat/nannied for many kids, and I always let the kids pick their clothes in the morning as long as they are weather appropriate. If they like something that is meant for the opposite gender, or their parents don’t like, the parents just don’t buy it and steer them towards other things. A lot of people seem to think that they can’t say no to anything that their kids want, but they are children and if the parents are paying, they get a say lol. And for the record, I have nothing against gay or transgender people and have many friends who are gay. How a child dresses at age 5 has nothing to do with sexual orientation, but if this little girl or any other child turns out to be gay it shouldn’t matter one way or the other. So my opinion has nothing to do with anyone “turning their child into a lesbian” as other people have accused them of (I believe everyone is born straight or gay anyway- you can’t really influence that). I just think that as children girls should wear girls clothes and boys should wear boys clothes.
I had a look at your pic’s, and can’t you see that all these dresses are clearly from the boys department? Om a more serious side note, I don’t really get the hang up some people here have on her clothes being from the boys department and not tomboyish clothes from the girls department! As if that mattered? The child seems to be wearing clothes that she likes (at least she looks happy most of the time). I wore a lot of my older, male cousins clothes when I was a child, probably up until 8 or so. Admittedly, this was during the late 70′s and early 80′a when unisex clothing was prevalent, nowadays I usually wear skirts (and yes, I’m into men, but that has hothing to do with my skirts, I liked men even in my early twenties when I almost exclusively wore jeans). I don’t bother shopping in the mens department, since hardly anything there would fit me anyways as I’m hour glass shaped, but I do have an over sized shirt or two that I have “borrowed” from my dad, a pair of draw string pants that I nicked from an ex boyfriend and right now I’m actually wearing an cardigan of my brother’s that shrunk in the wash and now fits me perfectly. Two of my most feminine dressing friends are lesbians, and none of them wore boys clothes as young (I also have a lesbian friend who wore boys clothes as a child, but he is rather butch to this day). I have one friend who only wore blue clothes from the boys department when she was in Kindergarten (though admittedly, she also wanted to be a smurf), today her preference lies in purple, plum and marroon skirts. Thankfully our parents let us dress in a fashion we wanted to dress as long as it was appropriate to the weather and occation (and fit into the clothing budget).Clothes don’t define your sexuality, nor does your sexuality define your clothes.
You know, how any of you can say your hateful comments aren’t bullying is beyond me! It is painful to me to see someone post that a darling child is “fugly”, and how her hair is so awful looking, when I see adults with way worse haircuts, and i wouldn’t think of saying anything about it! How can adults behave in such a way. Somw of you say it must be the “conservative Christians” saying these things; well, I am a very conservative Christian who attends one of the largest conservative churches in Dallas, and I don’t say those type things, and don’t hear others saying them without calling them out about it. In our area, there was a 9 yr. old boy who hung himself in the coat-closet at school because he couldn’t take this type comments anymore, from adults as well as children. Adults should show kindness to children, not hatefulness or harsh words. I have children in my family who are all individuals; I would hate hearing people talk to or about them like that! People have different personalities, and you never now who you might push over the edge. Why would you WANT to do that? Just sayi’….
My sister dressed my nieces in blue all the time and, don’t be shocked, she buys clothes for them from the boys department because the clothes are warmer. The girls clothes are thin and simply won’t cut it in a northern environment. The girls also have dresses and are both girlie girls. The fact they wore blue once in a while and some clothes from the boys department didn’t change that. And I think Shiloh is rather feminine. Yes her hair is short, but it’s a pixie cut – in case you haven’t noticed, that’s actually in fashion right now and Shiloh may have seen quite a few actresses as well as women on the street sporting the cut and simply liked it. She’s home schooled so she’s not around a group of kids at school that would peer pressure her towards a certain look so she may be more influenced by hairstyles she sees adult women wearing. I don’t think it means anything other than she likes the style.
My sister dressed my nieces in blue all the time and, don’t be shocked, she buys clothes for them from the boys department because the clothes are warmer. The girls clothes are thin and simply won’t cut it in a northern environment. The girls also have dresses and are both girlie girls. The fact they wore blue once in a while and some clothes from the boys department didn’t change that. And I think Shiloh is rather feminine. Yes her hair is short, but it’s a pixie cut – in case you haven’t noticed, that’s actually in fashion right now and Shiloh may have seen quite a few actresses as well as women on the street sporting the cut and simply liked it. She’s home schooled so she’s not around a group of kids at school that would peer pressure her towards a certain look so she may be more influenced by hairstyles she sees adult women wearing. I don’t think it means anything other than she likes the style.
I don’t think the issue is that they are trying to turn her into a boy. It seems more that they just don’t say no to her and they buy her whatever clothes she wants. I would never say that a parent should force their child to wear things that they hate, or that all girls should be girly girls. However, there are plenty of girls clothes that are tomboyish but still made for girls. Girls tee shirts and shorts are just as comfortable as ones made for boys and there are plenty of options that are plain and not overly girly. When I was younger (I’m in my early 20s now, so it wasn’t *that* long ago lol) my parents let me pick out my clothes for the most part, but they still weren’t afraid to tell me no if it wasn’t something they wanted me to wear. I have babysat/nannied for many kids, and I always let the kids pick their clothes in the morning as long as they are weather appropriate. If they like something that is meant for the opposite gender, or their parents don’t like, the parents just don’t buy it and steer them towards other things. A lot of people seem to think that they can’t say no to anything that their kids want, but they are children and if the parents are paying, they get a say lol. And for the record, I have nothing against gay or transgender people and have many friends who are gay. How a child dresses at age 5 has nothing to do with sexual orientation, but if this little girl or any other child turns out to be gay it shouldn’t matter one way or the other. So my opinion has nothing to do with anyone “turning their child into a lesbian” as other people have accused them of (I believe everyone is born straight or gay anyway- you can’t really influence that). I just think that as children girls should wear girls clothes and boys should wear boys clothes.
I don’t think the issue is that they are trying to turn her into a boy. It seems more that they just don’t say no to her and they buy her whatever clothes she wants. I would never say that a parent should force their child to wear things that they hate, or that all girls should be girly girls. However, there are plenty of girls clothes that are tomboyish but still made for girls. Girls tee shirts and shorts are just as comfortable as ones made for boys and there are plenty of options that are plain and not overly girly. When I was younger (I’m in my early 20s now, so it wasn’t *that* long ago lol) my parents let me pick out my clothes for the most part, but they still weren’t afraid to tell me no if it wasn’t something they wanted me to wear. I have babysat/nannied for many kids, and I always let the kids pick their clothes in the morning as long as they are weather appropriate. If they like something that is meant for the opposite gender, or their parents don’t like, the parents just don’t buy it and steer them towards other things. A lot of people seem to think that they can’t say no to anything that their kids want, but they are children and if the parents are paying, they get a say lol. And for the record, I have nothing against gay or transgender people and have many friends who are gay. How a child dresses at age 5 has nothing to do with sexual orientation, but if this little girl or any other child turns out to be gay it shouldn’t matter one way or the other. So my opinion has nothing to do with anyone “turning their child into a lesbian” as other people have accused them of (I believe everyone is born straight or gay anyway- you can’t really influence that). I just think that as children girls should wear girls clothes and boys should wear boys clothes.
I had a look at your pic’s, and can’t you see that all these dresses are clearly from the boys department? Om a more serious side note, I don’t really get the hang up some people here have on her clothes being from the boys department and not tomboyish clothes from the girls department! As if that mattered? The child seems to be wearing clothes that she likes (at least she looks happy most of the time). I wore a lot of my older, male cousins clothes when I was a child, probably up until 8 or so. Admittedly, this was during the late 70′s and early 80′a when unisex clothing was prevalent, nowadays I usually wear skirts (and yes, I’m into men, but that has hothing to do with my skirts, I liked men even in my early twenties when I almost exclusively wore jeans). I don’t bother shopping in the mens department, since hardly anything there would fit me anyways as I’m hour glass shaped, but I do have an over sized shirt or two that I have “borrowed” from my dad, a pair of draw string pants that I nicked from an ex boyfriend and right now I’m actually wearing an cardigan of my brother’s that shrunk in the wash and now fits me perfectly. Two of my most feminine dressing friends are lesbians, and none of them wore boys clothes as young (I also have a lesbian friend who wore boys clothes as a child, but he is rather butch to this day). I have one friend who only wore blue clothes from the boys department when she was in Kindergarten (though admittedly, she also wanted to be a smurf), today her preference lies in purple, plum and marroon skirts. Thankfully our parents let us dress in a fashion we wanted to dress as long as it was appropriate to the weather and occation (and fit into the clothing budget).Clothes don’t define your sexuality, nor does your sexuality define your clothes.
I had a look at your pic’s, and can’t you see that all these dresses are clearly from the boys department? Om a more serious side note, I don’t really get the hang up some people here have on her clothes being from the boys department and not tomboyish clothes from the girls department! As if that mattered? The child seems to be wearing clothes that she likes (at least she looks happy most of the time). I wore a lot of my older, male cousins clothes when I was a child, probably up until 8 or so. Admittedly, this was during the late 70′s and early 80′a when unisex clothing was prevalent, nowadays I usually wear skirts (and yes, I’m into men, but that has hothing to do with my skirts, I liked men even in my early twenties when I almost exclusively wore jeans). I don’t bother shopping in the mens department, since hardly anything there would fit me anyways as I’m hour glass shaped, but I do have an over sized shirt or two that I have “borrowed” from my dad, a pair of draw string pants that I nicked from an ex boyfriend and right now I’m actually wearing an cardigan of my brother’s that shrunk in the wash and now fits me perfectly. Two of my most feminine dressing friends are lesbians, and none of them wore boys clothes as young (I also have a lesbian friend who wore boys clothes as a child, but he is rather butch to this day). I have one friend who only wore blue clothes from the boys department when she was in Kindergarten (though admittedly, she also wanted to be a smurf), today her preference lies in purple, plum and marroon skirts. Thankfully our parents let us dress in a fashion we wanted to dress as long as it was appropriate to the weather and occation (and fit into the clothing budget).Clothes don’t define your sexuality, nor does your sexuality define your clothes.
You know, how any of you can say your hateful comments aren’t bullying is beyond me! It is painful to me to see someone post that a darling child is “fugly”, and how her hair is so awful looking, when I see adults with way worse haircuts, and i wouldn’t think of saying anything about it! How can adults behave in such a way. Somw of you say it must be the “conservative Christians” saying these things; well, I am a very conservative Christian who attends one of the largest conservative churches in Dallas, and I don’t say those type things, and don’t hear others saying them without calling them out about it. In our area, there was a 9 yr. old boy who hung himself in the coat-closet at school because he couldn’t take this type comments anymore, from adults as well as children. Adults should show kindness to children, not hatefulness or harsh words. I have children in my family who are all individuals; I would hate hearing people talk to or about them like that! People have different personalities, and you never now who you might push over the edge. Why would you WANT to do that? Just sayi’….
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