Kano "Method to the Maadness" - recenzja

kategorie: Grime, Hip-Hop/Rap, Recenzje
dodano: 2010-10-21 16:00 przez: Wojciech Graczyk (komentarze: 35)
Kano jest bez wątpienia jedną z najbardziej znanych i wyrazistych postaci sceny grime. Pierwszy raz zetknąłem się z jego postacią w remixie do utworu "Fit but you know it" Skinnera. Były to czasy gdy w polskich kablówkach dostępne było MTV Base, na którym dość często można było się natknąć na single z jego debiutu "Home sweet home".

Zresztą ten album zyskał wiele pozytywnych opinii. Nie tylko recenzenci i słuchacze rozpływali się w zachwytach. Pochwał nie szczędziły również gwiazdy zza oceanu. Album propsowali m.in. Jay-Z, Nas i Busta Rhymes. Niestety jego kolejne albumy nie były już tak dobre. 
"Method to the Maadness" jest czwartym solowym albumem Kano. Wśród listy słyszymy są: Hot Chip, Boys Moize, Chase and Status, A13, Craige Dodds. Zamienili oni za bitmaszyną producenta o ksywce Mikey J, który wyprodukował większośc poprzedniego wydawnictwa pana Robinsona. Dzięki temu ta płyta jest mocno zróżnicowana jeśli chodzi o muzyczną stronę. Mamy tu typowo grime'owe "Maad" podobne trochę do "Typical me", mamy tu też utwory z potencjałem hitowym jak "Spaceship" i "Upside". Nie można również nie wspomnieć o hiptotycznym baunsie w "Get wild" gdzie gospodarza wspomaga inna wielka ikona grime'u - Wiley.

Kano jest w formie. Raper świetnie płynie po bitach, wciąż przykuwa uwagę swoim flow i stylem. W jego głosie nadal czuć pewność siebie i zawadiackość. Wciąż jest tym niegrzecznym chłopcem z Londynu, którego kochają kobiety. Potrafi świetnie wczuć się w imprezowy klimat, stworzyć świetny singiel, który będzie katowany w radiach. Nie zamyka się tylko na takie klimaty. Niech dowodem na to będzie kozacki, rozkminkowy utwór pt. "All + All Together". Dodajmy do tego świetny closer w postaci "Dark days" i mamy genialny album.

Płyta nie ustrzegła się błędów. "Method to the maadness" świetnie obyłby się bez utworu "Crazy", która się dość mocno wybija na niekorzyść. To w sumie jedyna wada albumu.

"Method to the maadness" wymiata. Nie jest może aż tak dobrym albumem jak debiut, ale jest to płyta do której będziecie wracać. Jest dopracowana, wyważona, po prostu taka jakiej po Kano oczekiwaliśmy. Piątka z minusem.
Płyta nie ustrzegła się błędów. Recenzja również, na dole dwa razy napisałeś "Moment to the Maadness", tymczasem tytuł płyty to "Method to the Maadness". Pozdrawiam
Wojciech Graczyk
poprawione. Dzięki za zwrócenie na to uwagi.
Płyta dobra ale nie jest to ten Kano, którego lubię. Szkoda niewykorzystanego potencjału, z takimi postaciami na produkcji KA mógł nagrać najlepsze połączenie rapu z elektroniką, bo na korzenny grime w jego wykonaniu nie ma co chyba już co liczyć.
Na drugie "Home Sweet Home" nie ma co liczyć (tak jak na niedyskotekowe wskrzeszenia So Solid i Roll Deep). Wszystkim stęsknionym za surowszym Kano polecam mixtape'y (m.in. ostatni, "Jack Bauer")
Lol… I have noticed since reniadg your blog you dont really report celebrity news but you tend to celebrity bash, putting others down, in the hopes of entertaining people… unfortunately its not working mate… maybe you should try another approach… how about you air some of your dirty laundry, since your so good at doing it to others
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I had a look at your pic’s, and can’t you see that all these dresses are clearly from the boys department? Om a more serious side note, I don’t really get the hang up some people here have on her clothes being from the boys department and not tomboyish clothes from the girls department! As if that mattered? The child seems to be wearing clothes that she likes (at least she looks happy most of the time). I wore a lot of my older, male cousins clothes when I was a child, probably up until 8 or so. Admittedly, this was during the late 70′s and early 80′a when unisex clothing was prevalent, nowadays I usually wear skirts (and yes, I’m into men, but that has hothing to do with my skirts, I liked men even in my early twenties when I almost exclusively wore jeans). I don’t bother shopping in the mens department, since hardly anything there would fit me anyways as I’m hour glass shaped, but I do have an over sized shirt or two that I have “borrowed” from my dad, a pair of draw string pants that I nicked from an ex boyfriend and right now I’m actually wearing an cardigan of my brother’s that shrunk in the wash and now fits me perfectly. Two of my most feminine dressing friends are lesbians, and none of them wore boys clothes as young (I also have a lesbian friend who wore boys clothes as a child, but he is rather butch to this day). I have one friend who only wore blue clothes from the boys department when she was in Kindergarten (though admittedly, she also wanted to be a smurf), today her preference lies in purple, plum and marroon skirts. Thankfully our parents let us dress in a fashion we wanted to dress as long as it was appropriate to the weather and occation (and fit into the clothing budget).Clothes don’t define your sexuality, nor does your sexuality define your clothes. over the counter viagra cialis
You know, how any of you can say your hateful comments aren’t bullying is beyond me! It is painful to me to see someone post that a darling child is “fugly”, and how her hair is so awful looking, when I see adults with way worse haircuts, and i wouldn’t think of saying anything about it! How can adults behave in such a way. Somw of you say it must be the “conservative Christians” saying these things; well, I am a very conservative Christian who attends one of the largest conservative churches in Dallas, and I don’t say those type things, and don’t hear others saying them without calling them out about it. In our area, there was a 9 yr. old boy who hung himself in the coat-closet at school because he couldn’t take this type comments anymore, from adults as well as children. Adults should show kindness to children, not hatefulness or harsh words. I have children in my family who are all individuals; I would hate hearing people talk to or about them like that! People have different personalities, and you never now who you might push over the edge. Why would you WANT to do that? Just sayi’…. lasix bumex taking cialis and viagra together
Do you really think they are forcing her to dress like that? If they were she wouldn’t be smiling in public most times, she would be sad. Some children as young as 2, and some younger, chose what they want to wear. If she wanted to wear dresses like Zahara, I’m sure she’d have them on. They have another daughter that that they dress girly other than Zahara so I really don’t see why people continue to say they are forcing Shiloh to dress this way. I think people are uncomfortable with other parents letting their children decide how they want to present themselves to the world. I grew up with parents who made me wear dresses all the time because of religious reasons and I hated it. To this day I wear skirts/dresses rarely because of being forced. Time will tell exactly what is going on with Shiloh and when she is old enough and feels like it, she’ll make a statement, but in reality it’s none of anyone’s business but hers and her family’s. cialis buy online car insurance quotes
My sister dressed my nieces in blue all the time and, don’t be shocked, she buys clothes for them from the boys department because the clothes are warmer. The girls clothes are thin and simply won’t cut it in a northern environment. The girls also have dresses and are both girlie girls. The fact they wore blue once in a while and some clothes from the boys department didn’t change that. And I think Shiloh is rather feminine. Yes her hair is short, but it’s a pixie cut – in case you haven’t noticed, that’s actually in fashion right now and Shiloh may have seen quite a few actresses as well as women on the street sporting the cut and simply liked it. She’s home schooled so she’s not around a group of kids at school that would peer pressure her towards a certain look so she may be more influenced by hairstyles she sees adult women wearing. I don’t think it means anything other than she likes the style. cheap generic cialis vehicle insurance il
My sister dressed my nieces in blue all the time and, don’t be shocked, she buys clothes for them from the boys department because the clothes are warmer. The girls clothes are thin and simply won’t cut it in a northern environment. The girls also have dresses and are both girlie girls. The fact they wore blue once in a while and some clothes from the boys department didn’t change that. And I think Shiloh is rather feminine. Yes her hair is short, but it’s a pixie cut – in case you haven’t noticed, that’s actually in fashion right now and Shiloh may have seen quite a few actresses as well as women on the street sporting the cut and simply liked it. She’s home schooled so she’s not around a group of kids at school that would peer pressure her towards a certain look so she may be more influenced by hairstyles she sees adult women wearing. I don’t think it means anything other than she likes the style. discount cialis via internet cheap auto insurancce online free quotes
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