Hades "Zmiany" - teledysk

kategorie: Hip-Hop/Rap, News, Teledyski
dodano: 2012-07-18 20:30 przez: Piotr Zdziarstek (komentarze: 7)

Prosto z PROSTO wieści. Ukazał się właśnie nowy teledysk do utworu "Zmiany" Hadesa. Jest to naprawdę kawał profesjonalnie wykonanego klipu do świetnego, nienachalnie rozkminkowego numeru. Warto obejrzeć, warto posłuchać, warto zapamiętać.

Owning a fireplace can be a lot of work but it really does pay off when you can cozy up to it with a magnificent book on a cold winter night. When you are investing in the acquire of one or when you are looking to begin using yours, youll want to insure a multitude of things before you get started just to make sure that all goes well. Buying Time. Attaining a fireplace for your home will take a good number of considerations. First, youll need to meet the fire code for your area. Youll need to select the proper spot, have ventilation put in and hire a professional to do the installation work. This will insure the safety of your fireplace from the start.page Clean Out Time. If you have a fireplace but have not used it, it is critical to have a professional to come out and check it out. Youll need to insure that the top is vented properly, that nothing is blocking the vents and that it is safe enough to use.
powinno być wideo dnia, swietny klip, a had jeden z najlepszych graczy w polsce imho, do tego GENIALNE bity Galusa
wroclaw i sedesowce. w ogole fajna niunia.
nienawidze studentow bedac nim
a o nowym klipie hopsina "ill mind of hopsin 5" nie napiszecie?
Niesamowity klip, obejrzalem z 15 razy od wczoraj.
dobry klip, na poziomie, odskocznia od szeroko hejtowanego machania łapkami

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