BONES & Drew the Architect "ModernArchitecture"

dodano: 2024-09-22 15:20 przez: Bartosz Skolasiński (komentarze: 0)

Data premiery


Wspólny album BONESA i Drew The Architecta.


01. OpenHouse
02. 1942
03. SurroundSound
04. PackRippedOpen
05. Kryptonite feat. Xavier Wulf & Eddy Baker
06. SmokeMid
07. 120Proof
08. ButtRock
09. ScuffedRealtorVoicemail (interlude)
10. ComplimentaryDeepTissueMassage
11. FactoryReset feat. Chatterton
12. 5StarLuxuryResort
13. MisterPleasure
14. NeverEndingDread

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