Ty Farris "Enigma With An Attitude"

dodano: 2024-06-15 22:46 przez: Bartosz Skolasiński (komentarze: 0)

Data premiery


Nowy album Ty'a Farrisa.


01. Riddler Meets Jigsaw
02. Alchemy in the Trenches [Prod. Futurewave]
03. Riddles from a Ruger [Prod. Brooks XY]
04. Puzzle Full of Pistols [Prod. Animoss]
05. Mind of the Jigsaw [Prod. Really Hiiim]
06. The Man, The Myth, The Mystery [Prod. August Fanon]
07. The Enigma [Prod. Don Carrera]
08. True Identity [Prod. Don the Jeweler]
09. Villain with the Smile [Prod. Brooks XY]
10. Who Got the Answers feat. DJ Grazzhoppa [Prod. Wino Willy]
11. 3rd Eye Never Lie [Prod. Wavy Da Ghawd]
12. Enigma with an Attitude feat. DJ Grazzhoppa [Prod. Camoflauge Monk]



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